Welcome to Health Services


For ANY medication that may be needed while at school, the school requires the following form to be completed and turned in with medications to the school office: WJUSD Medication Authorization Form


For any anaphylaxis or food allergies, the school requires the following forms to be completed and turned in with medications to the school office:Allergy English Form or Allergy Spanish FormWJUSD Medication Authorization Form 


Students may not independently possess medication during the school day or while on District property. The only exceptions are for provider-ordered asthma inhalers, epi-pens, and glucagon kits (these still require the WJUSD Medication Authorization Form to be completed and turned in to the school). 

- For any medication administration on campus, a medication order authorization form is required to be on file for each medication - including for over the counter (i.e. non-prescription) medications. No staff are allowed to administer medications without a medical order. If your student needs medication prior to obtaining, completing and turning in the required form, then a parent/guardian or adult family member may come to school to administer the medication to the student.

- New forms are required at the beginning of each school year and also any time there is a change in medication directives (such as change in medication, dosage, timing, or frequency).


For any questions or concerns, please contact the school nurse at nurse@wintersjusd.org, or call your student’s school office.