Expanded Learning Programs
Winters JUSD offers a wide variety of Expanded Learning Programs that include Winters Afters School ELP, Winters Summer ELP as well as other enrichment programs.
Winters JUSD offers a wide variety of Expanded Learning Programs that include Winters Afters School ELP, Winters Summer ELP as well as other enrichment programs.
Once you have registered for the program, your child will be put on the waitlist for their grade. When a spot opens for your child, you will receive a phone call followed by and email. You will have 48 hours to respond or your child will be left on the waitlist. Each grade is different, there may be space immediately or your child may need to wait.
If you have questions please contact Nicole at njordan@wintersjusd.org.
Previously the City of Winters Munchkin Summer Camp
Mission Statement: We strive to provide a fun, safe and successful program for students to continue learning and growing over the summer. We provide each student with the opportunity to improve academically, socially and physically while minimizing summer learning loss.
2025 Registration: Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Register: online (ONLY)
Students Served: students currently in TK- students currently in 7th grade
Hours of Operation: 8:00am-5:00pm
Breakfast 7:30am-8:30am, Program starts at 8:00am
Days of Operation: Monday- Friday, June 9, 2025-July 25, 2025. No program June 19 or July 4.
Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and PM snack included
Tuition: $0
Daily attendance is required: Early Release Policy
Priority Enrollment: homeless and foster youth, English Learners and those qualifying for free or reduced lunch
Daily attendance is required
Daily Schedule:
Academics- math, language arts
Enrichment- crafts, STEM, performing arts, etc
Recreation- group games, free play
Nutritious Meals- breakfast, lunch and a 2 piece snack provided by the school district
Weekly field trips and presentations
This program is funded and operated through the 21st CCLC grant and ELO-P funding.
Program Coordinator: Nicole Jordan, njordan@wintersjusd.org, (530)681-1620
ELO-P Coordinator: Jill Aguiar, jaguiar@wintersjusd.org
Waggoner Site Coordinator: Betsy Bryan, bbryan@wintersjusd.org, (530)681-5537
Rominger Site Coordinator: Mariana Del Toro, mdeltoro@wintersjusd.org, (530)681-6098
Previously the City of Winters After School Program
2024-2025 Registration- Continuous
2025-2026 Registration: Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at 8am
Mission Statement: To provide a successful and engaging program for the promotion of a quality education and the enhancement of social skills in a safe environment, both mentally and physically, to all youths of Winters for the betterment of our community.
Registration: online (ONLY)
Students Served: TK-6th grade
Sites: TK-2nd grade Waggoner Elementary School
3rd-5th grade Shirley Rominger Intermediate School
6th grade Winters Middle School
Hours of Operation: afterschool-6pm daily
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday on school days
Meals: PM Snack is included
Tuition: $0
Daily attendance is required: Early Release Policy
Daily Schedule includes:
Academics- Homework Assistance
Literacy- Reading
Enrichment Activities- crafts, STEM, learning games, etc
Recreation- group games, free play
This program is funded and operated through the ASES grant, 21st CCLC grant and ELO-P funding.