Winters Joint Unified School District recognizes that school attendance is essential and necessary for students to receive the high caliber education in our schools. When students show up to school, they develop the fundamental reading, writing, mathematical, and social skills that will prepare students for college and careers.
Students who are absent frequently may be endangering their future. Research shows children who are chronically absent in early years are far less likely to read proficiently at the end of 3rd grade. In later school grades, chronic absences is highly associated with being more likely to drop out of school. Regular attendance is vital for school success.
What is an Absence from School and What is Truancy?
A school absence means that a student is missing from school or class with or without the prior knowledge and consent of either parents, guardians, or school personnel. A student not in class but on a school-approved activity is not truant.
According to California Education Code (48260), a truant is a student who missed “30 minutes of instruction with an excuse three times or more.” A student is a chronic truant is a student who is absent from school without valid excuse for ten percent or more of the school days in one school year.” (California Education Code 48263) Per law, students are required to be at school.