Measure W Update - February 10, 2023

At the February 8, 2023 Measures R, D, P and W Planning Committee Meeting the Facilities Master Plan (FMP) process and implementation were reviewed.  The process outlined provides WJUSD an updated Master Facilities Plan, which will have identified additional state funding sources to augment local facilities funds, updated district demographics and enrollment projects, as well as a prioritize facility project list to address growth, re-construction of existing facilities and address short- and long-term facility needs for the WJUSD students, while responsibly utilizing taxpayer dollar

The process outlined the importance of community input, facility needs assessment and stakeholder meetings.  Forming a new Facilities Master Planning committee was encouraged; it would include students, classified staff, certificated staff, parent teacher organizations, athletic groups, City of Winters representatives, and other community partners and organizations.  Input from the community and district stakeholders will strengthen the outcome.  There will be a web page dedicated to the process and opportunities to meet at community events and District functions to provide additional participation in the process.  For those that are unable to attend in person events, there will also be surveys available to encourage additional community input.

The District is anticipating moving forward with this proactive approach to explore the District priorities and additional funding opportunities for facilities at the February 16, 2023 Board Meeting.

Additionally on February 9, 2023 the District was notified of the receipt of approximately $2.1 Million for facility reimbursement through the State School Facility Program, which the District applied for eligible funding several years ago.  These monies will be a part of the funding discussed and allocated to WJUSD facilities in the Facility Master Planning process.

The Measure R, D, P and W Planning Committee and District Administration would like to hear from you regarding WJUSD facilities, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mary Fitzpatrick, VPCS Program Manager

Measure W Update - February 2023

At the Winters JUSD Board Meeting on February 2, 2023 Superintendent Rody Boonchouy, Ed.D. presented item 4.1 Measure W Project Planning.  It was an action item where the Superintendent of Schools asked the Board to approve the revised Measure W project planning process, to include an updated Master Facilities Plan and Demographic Study, to prioritize short and long term facility needs and identify additional state funding sources to augment Measure W funds.  The Board supported the revised planning process.  The attached presentations, shared at the Board meeting, provided a brief history and overview for this proactive approach to investigate the District priorities and confirm they are in alignment with funding for facilities

Measure W Planning Update

Winters JUSD Master Plan Update

Measure W Update - January 2023

WJUSD submitted an application for funding in spring of 2022 in the first available round of funding ($225M) in the Preschool, Transitional-Kindergarten, Full-Day Kindergarten Facility Grant Program . Unfortunately, WJUSD was not successful as the application processing prioritized projects submitted based on a priority points system, and WJUSD did not receive enough priority points to move forward.

A second funding round begins February 1, 2023, which has allocated the largest funding bucket out of the three rounds for a total of $350.25M.  WJUSD is anticipating moving forward with a submission in this funding round.

In the most recent developments of the 2023-24 Annual State Budget, no additional funding has been allocated for facilities to support the implementation of Transitional Kindergarten.

The Board, on January 19, 2023 received an update on the status of facilities, including a report of the most recent Measures R, D, P & W Facilities Planning Committee Meeting that took place on January 18, 2023.

The Bond committee concluded that the data inputs, which are available to staff to guide facility planning, are outdated. The committee also noted that the facility master plan was last updated in 2014 and the TK demographics projection was over projected for the 22-23 school year. There was further  mention that there were concerns from the committee and community related to a variety of other facilities needs (kitchen, Waggoner modernization, preschool, etc.) beyond Transitional Kindergarten facilities. The committee also discussed future growth and the planning around housing students generated by development in and around the city of Winters.

At the planning committee meeting and at the January 19, 2023 Board meeting, Jennifer Gibb, Program Manager with Van Pelt Construction Services (VPCS), provided an overview of potential funding options Winters may choose to employ, which could provide future funds for WJUSD facilities’ needs. Jennifer Gibb also noted that it is common that facility plans are visited frequently. If necessary, Districts provide an updated plan that may reflect changes to proactively respond to programmatic needs, state mandates, rising construction costs, variance in budget forecasting, or outside, unplanned events such as pandemics, fires and unprecedented inflation.

The Board of Trustees asked staff to further investigate District priorities that are aligned with funding for facilities with an updated Master Plan and Demographic Study. Staff were directed to return to the Board at a future meeting to present a plan and next steps.

Approved Projects for Measure W

Projects: WHS- Phase I - 2021/2022

  • Division of State Architect (DSA) Certification of the 2007 WHS Pool Project

  • Construct new Physical Education/Music Building

Projects: Waggoner- Phase II - 2024/2025

  • Construct a new Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten Building

  • Site Work

Projects: Waggoner- Phase III - 2025

  • Modernize Administration Building

  • Modernize Buildings A & B